At the Northwest Debt Relief Law Firm, we know that you probably view bankruptcy as a means to an end: Getting a real fresh start so that you can actually go back to living your life again. For many of our clients getting rid of debt only takes care of part of the problem. The other issue is a bad credit score.

Our clients are not worried about their credit scores because they want to be able to get some new credit cards. Rather they are worried about prospective employers, landlords and mortgage lenders rejecting them on the basis of their low scores. Luckily, the elimination of debt through bankruptcy largely takes care of the problem.

Our clients generally bounce back quickly.  We see routinely see people obtain 700 plus credit scores in less than two years after filing bankruptcy. But we would like to see that happen every time. To that end, we have retained a company called 720 Credit Score to provide down and dirty credit repair education to all our clients.

We pay this company over a thousand dollars a month to provide our clients with credit repair education and we are not passing any of the cost on to our clients. We are the only bankruptcy firm in Oregon or Washington that provides this service to its clients, much less does it for free. Our hope is that our clients take advantage of the course.

If you are currently looking at bankruptcy firms ask them what they are doing for their clients once the debts have been eliminated. My guess is the answer will be nothing.

If you have any questions about bankruptcy, please feel free to set an appointment at one of our Washington offices in either Seattle or Vancouver or at one of our Oregon offices in Portland or Salem. If you are a present or former client and you would like to start up the credit repair education class, send me an email and I will get it set up. I look forward to hearing from you.